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Our team loves to share our thoughts, research, experiences here in our blog. Please enjoy our articles and leave a comment to let us know what you think.
28 November
December is the PERFECT time to be strategic and lay out a plan for the coming year in four key strategic areas. And if you do it now, then December can become “Stratember” where you jump weeks of months ahead of your competition. Here’s what you should do now.
Jeffrey J. Hardy Business, Internet, Leadership, Website
Business, Leader, Leadership, Plan, Prepare, Strategy, Successful, Technology.Budget Loading Disqus...
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12 November
Setting Goals and Objectives for your company is important. But if they're not SMART Objectives, you can end up hurting your business. Here's what you need to know to create SMART leadership through SMART Objectives now.
30 October
Deciding to write a company blog can feel like kind of a big deal. What’s hard is being committed to the project and getting past the intimidation. First, let’s talk about why writing a blog is so important for businesses today. In short, it’s all about Leadership, Marketing, and Brand.
Jeffrey J. Hardy Business, Internet, Leadership, Personal Branding, Website
Blog, Blogging, Brand, Branding, Communication, Entrepreneur, Leadership, Marketing, Promotion, SEO, Success, Value, Website Loading Disqus...
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24 October
I have been hearing this classic debate since my business school classes thirty years ago and it still rages today – “What is the difference between sales and marketing?” It seems that everyone is still confused, and nobody likes any of the answers given. Perhaps because all the answers seem to disagree with each other. But we still have to ask question ….
29 August
When we think of eCommerce, it’s natural to think of Amazon.com, eBay, or one of the millions of small and large businesses selling “things” on the web. True enough. But let’s break down the basic elements of a good eCommerce website: