Articles by Upendo Ventures

We "Upendo" to Write for You!

Our team loves to share our thoughts, research, experiences here in our blog. Please enjoy our articles and leave a comment to let us know what you think.

About the Author

Jeffery J. HardyCommunication Strategist
Upendo Ventures
Jeff is a 25-year veteran of communications serving the technology fields. He has worked at the super-large tech behemoths of yesterday and the small entrepreneurial shops of tomorrow across the landscape of software, hosting, and cloud. He is a communications and social science nerd — and that means he creates a lot of content covering messaging, technology, leadership, and economics.

Four Indispensable Year-end Business Planning Tips for “Stratember”

December is the perfect time to strategize and Plan for Your Business

December is the PERFECT time to be strategic and lay out a plan for the coming year in four key strategic areas. And if you do it now, then December can become “Stratember” where you jump weeks of months ahead of your competition. Here’s what you should do now.

To Blog, or Not To Blog … It’s a Question of Value

Blog or Not Blog - Blogging Helps You Communicate and be a better Leader

Deciding to write a company blog can feel like kind of a big deal. What’s hard is being committed to the project and getting past the intimidation. First, let’s talk about why writing a blog is so important for businesses today. In short, it’s all about Leadership, Marketing, and Brand.

The Difference Between Sales and Marketing in the Internet Age

The Difference Between Sales and Marketing for Modern Online Business

I have been hearing this classic debate since my business school classes thirty years ago and it still rages today – “What is the difference between sales and marketing?” It seems that everyone is still confused, and nobody likes any of the answers given. Perhaps because all the answers seem to disagree with each other. But we still have to ask question ….

Measure Everything on Your Website – But Start at the Top

Upendo Blog Header Image Template

But we live in a world where you rarely have all the information you need to make those kinds of decisions by the time that you have to make them. So how do you balance your company’s need for constant innovation and experimentation against the imperative of ensuring that you are always moving your business forward and never backward? The answer is “measurement.”