We "Upendo" to Write for You!
Our team loves to share our thoughts, research, experiences here in our blog. Please enjoy our articles and leave a comment to let us know what you think.
1 March
We try to have a contest for any event we're involved in. It helps add another level of fun, and in the case of
DNN, it helps us to drive some more community engagement. We're here to not only help promote the software that
still makes up the core of our business, but also to keep things fun and light-hearted.
9 September
Support can be called different things, including maintenance. When using software, many people opt to not
buy the optional support provided. However, there are many important reasons why one should not ignore
purchasing a software support plan.
2 June

If you've been watching the journey of Hotcakes Commerce over the years at all, you know that it has a very interesting past. It began as a different platform altogether. It became a wildly successful commercial e-commerce solution that consistently was in the top 3 products in the DNN Store. It then became an open-source e-commerce platform, making it freely available to the world. This is the solution you're reading about and know about today.
Will Strohl Internet, Technology, Website
ASPNET, Authorize.Net, Bootstrap, CMS, Community, Content Management, Content Management System, Cookies, DNN, DNNCMS, DotNetNuke, Ecommerce, E-Commerce, eStore, Git, GitHub, jQuery, Localization, MVC, Open Source, OpenSource, Open-Source, OSS, Razor, REST API, Retail, Security, SEO, Shopping Cart, Store, Stripe, Telerik, Tokenization, UPS, Usability, User Experience Loading Disqus...
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16 December
Every ASP.NET application has no less than one website configuration file - also called the web.config, since
that's what the name of the file actually is. We often get asked a lot of questions about how to properly
check-in the web.config and how to safely distribute the file across environments and developers. This
article is going to disclose one of the tricks that we use for our clients.
6 November

Our team has been working hard at delivering the next great release of Hotcakes Commerce. We primarily focused on some updates that both our support clients and the community really wanted. We’re very happy to announce that version 03.02.02 is ready for you and it brings with it some very popular updates.
Will Strohl Technology, Website
CMS, Commerce, Content Management, DNN, DNNCMS, DotNetNuke, ECommerce, E-Commerce, Hotcakes Commerce, Marketing, Sales, Selling Online, Shopping Cart Loading Disqus...
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