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Our team loves to share our thoughts, research, experiences here in our blog. Please enjoy our articles and leave a comment to let us know what you think.
1 August

In most social networks, connecting with someone else can feel like a personal decision. After all, if you accept a friend request in Facebook, you’ve just given access to all of your “private” images and updates. They’ll see that embarrassing photo of you at the beach. {GASP!} This has trained us to be weary of who we allow to be “connected” with us online. So much so that some people have private Twitter accounts. (Something that I have yet to understand.)
31 July

There are numerous ways as a leader to measure yourself, your progress, and your goals. Not all of them are scientific, but they give you a way to move forward to improve yourself. Sometimes you will have the benefit of measurable progress indicators, and luckily, your email inbox is one of them. You can easily use your inbox to gauge several things, including when you need to delegate and focus on specific areas of the business.
30 July

When people look at you, they see you brand, whether intentional or not. It’s a lot like looking at things through a camera lense. It’s a similar thing when you look at any successful business. No matter if you see it’s sign on the side of the road, in an ad on a website or billboard, or you visit their booth at a conference – you know where you are and who you’re interacting with. When you walk into any In-N-Out location or visit their website, you can feel their brand all around you. You’ll never look at one and confuse it with Burger King or McDonald’s. When you think about your personal brand, you need to attempt to achieve this as best you can. Be the CMO of your brand!
23 July

This article isn’t for everyone, but if you’ve found yourself reading this far, you probably consider yourself a jack-of-all-trades, or someone has said that about you. It’s a double-edged sword to be known as someone who can do everything. As the saying goes, “Jack-of-all-trades, master of none.” When you’re good at a lot of things, it’s highly unlikely that you’re an expert at any one of those things. This makes you difficult to hire in most cases, but don’t fret. This also makes you one of the most valuable people in any company you find yourself in.
22 July

In many ways, LinkedIn is just like every other social network. It allows you to create a profile. You add details about yourself, upload your preferred photo, and connect with other people. You post status updates, and like and/or comment on updates by others. However, as we continuously point out on this site, LinkedIn is not like every other social network. You need to carefully consider how you update your profile on LinkedIn, beginning with your profile photo.