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Preparing Your Customers for COVID-19

Upendo Ventures: Preparing Your Customers for COVID-19

This really is an unprecedented time we all find ourselves in. More and more, our respective jurisdictions are ordering us all to stay home. For many people, it’s simply not possible. Our grocers, hospital staff, and others must go into work still. There is another segment of us that can still run our business from home. Still, others might need to do both. Regardless, this article contains some critical tips for your company to remain helpful to your respective customer base. After all, we need to keep our businesses running.

How are Your Services Impacted?

First and foremost, you need to sit down with your team to determine how your services are impacted. Can you still do business? How are you going to do that now? Do you need to put new processes or software in place to keep serving your customers?

Whatever your respective plan of action is following this meeting, be sure to document everything and make it easily available for the entire team. You might push this through e-mail or post it on your intranet if you have one. Just be sure the team always has the most current version of the document when they need it.

Also, be sure to communicate that this is a “working document.” Everything is subject to change. None of us know what’s going to happen next, and you might even find that some of your processes may require improvements.

Update Your Website

Now that you and your team know how your own business is impacted and what that means to you. It’s time to figure out how your customers are impacted. Put together a customer-friendly version of the action plan that you just drafted.

The best way to communicate this message is to put it on your website. It’s best and important enough for this message to have its own page on your website. The example below might be how the URL may look for you. This makes it easy for you, your team, your customers, and search engines to all know, remember, and communicate/share this message with others. Keep the URL short and self-explanatory.

Ours is:

Be sure to start this page with some sort of message that communicates to customers and prospects that this is also a “working document.” They should return to this page for any updates related to any potential changes in service.

Place a Banner Message on the Homepage

You’ve already checked off two of the most important checkboxes in this process. Now that you have a dedicated page on your website to communicate, make it easy for your visitors to find it. Most people coming to your website won’t know to look for your CORVID-19 message. Place some sort of banner prominently on your homepage that links to this message. It may even be an unobtrusive pop-up, similar to a newsletter pop-up you might have had or interacted with before.

Tell Your Customers & Prospects

Your existing customers and prospects have a lot going on right now. They’re all doing their own version of this entire thing with their own company and loved ones. They aren’t necessarily thinking about proactive looking for how your business is reacting to this health crisis.

Prepare and send a newsletter to your subscriber list. If you’re on any social media channels, push this message through those channels as well. It’s okay to do it a few times. Not everyone will see it the first time.

Depending on your business, you may even consider doing a webinar to have an open Q&A session with your customers.

If you’re using a CRM, have your sales team communicate this message directly. This is an important reason to have another touchpoint with your prospects.

If you have a brick and mortar location, post a sign with at least some of the message and the URL.

If you have claimed your business on websites like Google Business and Yelp – update your listings, as necessary.

Educate Your Team on Working Remote

Finally, you and your team may find yourselves working from home more and more right now. You probably have heard all different forms of people that talk about how working remotely is or is not a productivity impediment for various types of workers. This is why we previously wrote about and posted a video on how you and your team can be more productive while working from home.

Take this time to educate your team on your expectations and processes that your company has to ensure that everything continues to run smoothly.

Depending on the size of your team or company, you may want to consider a daily or weekly on-camera meeting to keep everyone communicating in as much of an in-person manner as possible.

In Closing...

Please be safe. Take care of yourselves, your teams, and your loved ones. There’s no doubt that we’ll get through this and we’re going to be better and stronger on the other side.

We hope this article has helped you in some way. Please continue to spread the Upendo with those around you!

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About the Author

Will StrohlFounder & CEO
Upendo Ventures
Overall, Will has nearly 20 years of experience helping website owners become more successful in all areas, including mentoring, website development, marketing, strategy, e-commerce, and more.

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We use technology to help your business change people's lives! Our business is dedicated to implementing best practices, automations, and integrations to help your business grow and generate more leads online. Our battle-tested techniques help give you time back so you can worry about your business, and not the technology that runs it.

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