Hotcakes Cloud

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Download nothing. No Risk. All reward.

We're the official Cloud and SLA provider for Hotcakes Commerce. You can rest easy and play with Hotcakes all that you want with no obligation and no credit card necessary.

Trust the Experts

Our team has been running Hotcakes Commerce since it began as a commercial solution. Now that it's open source, we bring expertise to the table that no one else can.

Start Your Free 14-Day Trial Today!

Are You Ready to Buy?

We Have Hotcakes Fresh & Ready for You

Whether you want your Hotcakes on your own servers, or you want us to manage your environment for you, our team is excited to help you get started.


Hotcakes Cloud

Everything you need to get started with Hotcakes Commerce today!

Hotcakes Reserved Cloud

Everything you want from the Hotcakes Cloud, plus additional resources!

Hotcakes On Premise SLA

Get expert-driven support for your Hotcakes site, no matter where it lives.